3 sets
5 Burpees
5-10-15 Sled Shuttle
r/r – 2:30 min
3 sets
20 KB Swing
250m Row
r/r – 3 min
3 sets
5 max effort Slam Ball
1 max OHD Toss
Sprint 100m
r/r- 2:30
Here is a video for all those travelers. A good example of an alternative WOD at a hotel gym.
*some language so not work/family safe
Archive for October, 2011
October 6, 2011
October 5, 2011
Rope Climbing Skills
Run 800m
Run 400m Backward
Run 800m
Run 400m Backward
100 Lunges AFAP
October 4, 2011
Turkish Get Up Practice
Kipping Practice
CTB Pull Ups
Overhead Squats
Compare to 8.25.11
Mobility WOD
filed under: WOD
October 3, 2011
Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2
Back Squat 1×20 – Compare to 8.29.11
AirDyne 20 calories
Run 800m
This was a tough one, especially after being out of my routine for a couple of weeks!! Great job everyone!
Uh….yeah…traveler wod. If the guy that has been in the xfit games year after year looks like he might die after the wod, it will prolly hospitalize me…and wuin our whole wacation. Ok…what the heck, I’ll attempt it tomorrow!
the sled shuttle ruined me.
can’t wait to try it again.
aaaand thatnk god I didn’t vomit.