A few comments on testing this week
– I want everyone to do their best to complete all of the tests. If you miss any of the tested movements/workouts you will have the following two weeks to make up the tests during our regular classes. For example, if you missed Mondays 1RM snatch and we have 5-5-5-5-5 of back squat on Monday you can set a 1RM snatch and then do the remainder of the WOD with the class.
– The purpose of the tests is to get baseline data for the new year. The easiest way to ensure everyone accomplishes as many tests as possible is to have a week of testing.
– If you have an injury or limitation that does not allow you to do a specific test, show up anyway! We will tailor a specific test to fit you.
Alright, I’m not sure if I understood everything that we were supposed to do. When I say ‘we’ I mean myself and my husband. I guesstimated that ‘AMRAP in 15′ means to try to get this done in under 15 minutes?
* We don’t have a track, so we used the regulation size basketball court (up and back = 100m?)
* Did just fine on the air squats, and used a 20lb medicine ball pretty easy (it’s the heaviest that the gym had).
* For the pushups, I’ve never been able to do military explode pushups, so we did knees-down to explode off of the ground.
* For the double-unders, I’ve never been able to do double-unders and my husband has never been able to do jumprope. So when I did D.U.’s I was able to do two, but with a couple of regular jumps in between. I’m used to regular jump ropes with a weighted rope. My husband was able to go a full minute without stopping on the regular jumps though! Yay!
So with the 7 min rest (way too long of a rest) the times came out as:
Ryan: 11:38
Myself: 12:15
*Blinks* And I just realized that AMRAP = As Many Rounds as Possible….Question then, as many rounds as possible on the initial portion, then rest and then the jumprope?
Yes, your last statement was correct. For the first portion of the workout you are continuing through the circuit for 15 minutes and recording how many total rounds/reps you completed. Then rest and go for max double unders. You will figure out before too much longer, it takes a while to learn all of our acronyms!!
While I am always impressed with my fellow Crossfit Bolt members, today I was EXTRA impressed. I was struggling to get 2 double unders while Janet and Cass were doing 60, 70, 80+. Oh and then Matt did 110. Way to go lunch class!!! Very motivating to work out with such talented people.
My sister is ridiculously awesome! 80+ Double Unders! Holy goodness! I was able to do two and I was so happy for the accomplishment.
No worries. I checked the Crossfit main site which has the videos of some of the moves so that I could see them, but I couldn’t find out what that acronym was. Not to fret though, I’m glad that I figured it out for next time! I am still really happy with how well I got through one round.
Am I accurate in thinking that the length of a basketball court is 50m? I just want to make sure.
Wow! Good start to 2012!
Way to go Karen on 2 double unders in a row!
And cass with 88!!
And coach matt with 110 (but he was fresh)
I did 34. And when I look back to last march, when I started with matt, I could barely do 1. So I’m proof that cross fit works!!!
Also proof that coach matt works
3 Rounds (53# KB + Sit-ups)
ZERO Double Unders… I need to practice badly.. that whip of the wrist. I’m not hearing that wisp.
I love seeing everyone’s progress! Great work!!
-completed 3 rounds + 19 squats and did 11 double unders (not my personal best, so I need to keep working on them!)
I think what I’ll do is work a day behind you guys – since you’re in Texas. that way I know the workout I’m going to do the next day. Now that I know what I was supposed to do – I’ll re-try this workout tomorrow.
I’m calling it an ‘DO’ for Do-Over! Okay – I re-did this today and I’m so HAPPY with my results. The length of the court was wrong – 3 lengths of the Basketball court = 100 M so that’s a change that I made. Also, because the heaviest KB we have is 20 Pounds, I used a large-headed 30 Pound DB and held onto it like a KB.
2 Round + (YES! PLUS!) 100M, 20 Squats, 100M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, here’s my question regarding Double Unders. I can do DU’s easier if I jumprope, do a DU, two regular jumps in between – so on and so forth. Is this alright? I just can’t seem to keep jumping that hard / high to continue DU’s. So for today I did Double Regular Jump + DU with my jump rope 5 Times before my legs collapsed (literally) from under me. MUSCLE FAILURE! EPIC!
Great job! We were going for unbroken double unders, but doing them as you were is good practice. Double Unders are all about practice so keep it up.