Did this one at home – feel alright! Got 8 OHS at rx weight though! Someone needs to remind me that I’m scared of heights though – box jumps and I aren’t really friendly-like. Happy Wednesday!
1 RM Shoulder to Overhead is the Jerk – right? Does it matter if the bar’s on the front or back of the shoulders? Does the jump matter? (Whether legs are split or together)?
Max Broad Jump is the measurement from where the heel lands – right?
Chris got it all straightened out. Last thing, for the OHS in part 4 try to choose a weight you can do at least 5 or more reps of, if 95lbs is to heavy just choose a lighter weight.
I’m always had issues with eh strengthening of my shoulders. My traps are ridiculously strong, but my erectors are massively lagging behind – so the holding of weight overhead is difficult, which sucks because my quads are super-strong. Eitherway – comments are appreciated.
1 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead: 95 Pounds Completed with a 115 Attempt – but not completed
Max Broad Jump: 71″
Attempt #1: 63″
Attempt #2: 71″
Attempt #3: 71″
Attempt #4: 68″
Max Box Jumps: I use the step from the gym’s step classes that can be placed as high as you need them.
6 Platforms Each Side + Step: 15″ Complete
7 Platforms Each Side + Step: Complete
8 Platforms Each Side + Step: Complete
9 Platforms Each Side + Step: 21.5″ Complete
10 Platforms Each Side + Step: Fear of injury – no attempt.
Total Max Box Jump Height: 21.5″
Max Reps OHD Squats:
So I normally lift in weightlifting shoes but I had my barefoot shoes on today. Hence I had to elevate my heels by placiong a small plate under them. This is about the only way I can get my butt to my heels in an overhead position – without widening my stance a ridiculous amount. I tried the 95 Pounds which I was able to hold overhead. I couldn’t get to parallel, so I just did as many as I could do. Total 1/4 Reps = 8. One issue tha tI have is when I hold weight overhead it makes it difficult for me to breathe – like someone is sitting on my upper abs (just below the sternum). Any advice here would be appreciated.
Nice work! Ha, I had to laugh at the overhead breathing comment….just because I know how it feels. You will get a chance to experience this more in CrossFit when you get a met-con with high rep OHS or Push press. Midline stability is a premium when going overhead, you are naturally trying to keep a tight midline which makes breathing rather difficult.
Did this one at home – feel alright! Got 8 OHS at rx weight though! Someone needs to remind me that I’m scared of heights though – box jumps and I aren’t really friendly-like.
Happy Wednesday!
Split Jerk – 115; 8 OHS at 85#; 66.8inches on broad jump
Not sure why I put 66.8! Long day!!! I meant 68.5 Those 2 inches matter.
I’ll be doing this tomorrow, but I’m lost as to what exercises I’m supposed to do? Could you please decipher this?
A. 1RM Shoulder to Overhead
B. Max Broad Jump
C. Max Box Jump
D. Max Reps OHD Squat 135/95
1 RM Shoulder to Overhead is the Jerk – right? Does it matter if the bar’s on the front or back of the shoulders? Does the jump matter? (Whether legs are split or together)?
Max Broad Jump is the measurement from where the heel lands – right?
Max box jumps = max reps or max height?
Hey Tiff –
1- it’s from the front rack position
2 – Max Broad jump is no steps, flat foot and legs together. back of heel.
3 – Box jump is Max Height
Hope that helped
Go rock it
Chris got it all straightened out. Last thing, for the OHS in part 4 try to choose a weight you can do at least 5 or more reps of, if 95lbs is to heavy just choose a lighter weight.
Split Jerk – 225# (245 Fail); 4 OHS at 135#; 74 inches on Broad Jump.
I’m always had issues with eh strengthening of my shoulders. My traps are ridiculously strong, but my erectors are massively lagging behind – so the holding of weight overhead is difficult, which sucks because my quads are super-strong. Eitherway – comments are appreciated.
1 Rep Max Shoulder to Overhead: 95 Pounds Completed with a 115 Attempt – but not completed
Max Broad Jump: 71″
Attempt #1: 63″
Attempt #2: 71″
Attempt #3: 71″
Attempt #4: 68″
Max Box Jumps: I use the step from the gym’s step classes that can be placed as high as you need them.
6 Platforms Each Side + Step: 15″ Complete
7 Platforms Each Side + Step: Complete
8 Platforms Each Side + Step: Complete
9 Platforms Each Side + Step: 21.5″ Complete
10 Platforms Each Side + Step: Fear of injury – no attempt.
Total Max Box Jump Height: 21.5″
Max Reps OHD Squats:
So I normally lift in weightlifting shoes but I had my barefoot shoes on today. Hence I had to elevate my heels by placiong a small plate under them. This is about the only way I can get my butt to my heels in an overhead position – without widening my stance a ridiculous amount. I tried the 95 Pounds which I was able to hold overhead. I couldn’t get to parallel, so I just did as many as I could do. Total 1/4 Reps = 8. One issue tha tI have is when I hold weight overhead it makes it difficult for me to breathe – like someone is sitting on my upper abs (just below the sternum). Any advice here would be appreciated.
So – how did I do?
Nice work! Ha, I had to laugh at the overhead breathing comment….just because I know how it feels. You will get a chance to experience this more in CrossFit when you get a met-con with high rep OHS or Push press. Midline stability is a premium when going overhead, you are naturally trying to keep a tight midline which makes breathing rather difficult.