Of all days to miss!! I’m not thinking I could handle the burpees after The Bear anyways! The Bear did me in, and I have bruises to prove it!! Have a good weekend, everyone!
awesome job this morning guys, this wod was killer. I’ve been groaning like an old man all day haha chest from wednesday, shoulders from yesterday, and back from this morning. a soothing burn from all areas of the upper body haha MORNING CREW REPRESENT!!!
I don’t even need to say it do I ?? You should be ashamed of yourself sir! Ashamed! lol
Chris, 85 burpees this morning…. get your game face on
Man, this one was brutal but fun. 76 burpees. I only carried a 40lb sandbag though. Felt like 400lbs those last couple of carries.
Of all days to miss!! I’m not thinking I could handle the burpees after The Bear anyways! The Bear did me in, and I have bruises to prove it!! Have a good weekend, everyone!
DL 185, 225, 245,250/ 70 burpees/carry two 53lb KB. Smoked me! I’m still sore from Thursday’s WOD!!
Yes Chris, oh yes!
175/185/205/215 PR!!!! 35&25# KB carry switched with Sandbag, 67 burpees!
Hate to miss today! I too have battle bruises from the bear. Looks like you guys are rocking’ it on the burpees though. Way to go people.
awesome job this morning guys, this wod was killer. I’ve been groaning like an old man all day haha chest from wednesday, shoulders from yesterday, and back from this morning. a soothing burn from all areas of the upper body haha MORNING CREW REPRESENT!!!
OHHHH Its a deep burn! http://www.myxer.com/ringtone/id/1783641/funnyboneX/Movies-Anchorman-Deep-Burn/
DL- 315-315-385-395
68 Burpees / 100# SandBag