BS – 4×3 @ 75%, 85%, 90%, 90%
EMOTM – 10
2 Heavy Power Cleans
5 Pull ups
*Strict Pull Ups as long as possible
Sled Drag 100m x 2 – heel to toe
Archive for May, 2012
Snatch 5×3-5 @65%, 70%, 75%, 75%, 75%
15 Thrusters 95/65
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
AMRAP – 10
5 DL 315/205
9 Pull Ups
3x5e Turkish Get Ups
Nate Beard, one of my good friends I played football with at the Academy is competing this weekend in the Southwest. So, if you are looking for someone to follow this weekend watch for him and give him all your StormCenter support. Here is a video of him doing some work.
A. Snatch 4×3-5 @55%, 60%, 65%, 65%
B. Back Squat 4×5 @70%, 80%, 85%, 85%
C. FLR – Accumulate 3min
We are starting a new Snatch and BS cycle. Plan on snatching and back squatting at least once a week throughout the cycle. If you miss the day we Snatch or Back Squat you can make it up by substituting it for any other strength or skill work in the daily WOD. Please post your current BS and Snatch 1rm to comments
Please post your current BS and Snatch 1rm to comments
Handstand Skill Work
5 OHS 95/65
r/r – 1min
6 Burpees
20 Double Unders
r/r – 1min
3 Thrusters 95/65
3 CTB Pull Ups
Barbell Motivation. Men in tiny singlets, Last of the Mohicans soundtrack….can I get one of those made out of denim? I will call it a jinglet.
Love this picture and this group of strong, beautiful girls!
Those sled pulls give you a whole new appreciation for reindeer…
A) Awesome pic. B) Andy almost met Pukie The Clown today…or maybe he actually did.
A few things from today: 1. Thank you, 6am girls, for always setting the bar high. Your numbers always challenge me and give me something to work for. 2. II desperately need to work on dead hang pull-ups!! 3. Ask Shayne to show you his Storm Center sled pull move.
Dang! I missed my favorite move! love the pic. Shane I love that “storm center” caught on!