Archive for June, 2012
Gymnastics Skill Work
-Kipping, Muscle Ups
3 sets of
200m Run
400m Run
600m Run
r/r – 1:1 for each interval
*Bring a watch with stop watch capabilities if you have one
L-sit/L-hang – Accumulate 3min
2 DE Back Squats @ 65%
5 Hang Power Clean 155/105
5 Front Squats
ME HR Push Ups
*Start each min with 5 HPC and 5 FS, for the remainder of the min perform as many HR push ups as possible
*Score # of push ups completed

A. 3 Position Snatch (high to low) 3×2 Video here
B. Snatch 4×3 @ 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%
C1. GHD Raise 4×8
C2. Heavy KB Swing 4×12
C3. High Box Jump 4×8; r/r – 60-90s
Dead Hang Pull Ups 5×5; add weight as needed
400m Run
21 KBS 1.5/1pd
12 Pull Ups
Compare to 12.28.11
Mobility WOD
Handstand skill work
Every 30s for 7min
3 Squat Clean @55-60%
3 sets
1min Row/Run/AD
It was great being back at Bolt after a week off. You know you’ve found the right place when you start to miss working out! Great WOD today, I went from a one rep max of 135 to 5 reps of 155 Deadlifts!
Haha, Looks like a picture I’ve seen on pinterest that said, “if your your workout doesn’t leave you like this at the end, you didn’t work hard enough.”
haha looks like someone lit a crossfit concussion grenade haha
I wonder what WOD that was.
It could very well be the WOD from Tuesday cuz that was a destroyer. And good job on the deadlifts Andy – and the rest of the morning crew.
Ding, ding, ding, and we have a winner. This was the 615pm class, but it was illustrative of every class on Tuesday. Great effort!
Nice… I was going to guess either Tuesdays workout or the Death by Thrusters we did recently.
It was nice to get back to work after 5 days of vacation. Great WOD This morning. 8:03 DL 225 lbs. Matt thanks for staying on me regarding my poor technique in the DL. Great work morning crew!
I’m still sore from Tuesday, but it was a great WOD once it was over!