December 9, 2011

The cold is here and will be with us for a while.  I know most of us are Texans and we do not necessarily like the cold weather.  But it is here just the same.  Our gym will be cold, we will train outside in the cold; barbells, kettlebells, and pull up bars will be cold.  No amount of whining, complaining or even acknowledgement of the cold will improve the weather.

But there is one thing that can improve the training environment.  Accept the cold.  Accept your ability to train in an environment that is not optimal.  Don’t let the cold defeat you mentally.  Accept the challenge, slap cold in the face and own it…..your mind is stronger than the cold!  You are here to train, get strong, get fast, get fit and get BOLT don’t let the cold take that from you.  Come to the gym, scoff at the cold, and see if that attitude doesn’t make the cold a little more insignificant.

You have probably noticed that we are investing more time in our warm ups.  This is an important adjustment in our training when the temperatures drop, especially on days we are lifting heavy.  If you ever feel you need more time or additional movements to warm up, speak up and let me know.

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