A1. Pause FS 5×3; r/r – 60s
A2. Wgt Pull Ups 5×3; r/r – 60s
Tabata Mash Up
KB Swings
Archive for 'Videos'
A1. BS 5×3 @ 70%, 75%, 85%, 90%, 90%
A2. 20yd Sprint x 5; r/r – 2min
B1. 250m Row x 4
B2. TGU 4×8 (for quality, not time); r/r- as needed
Something to get you ready for tomorrow’s Hero WOD. “Focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t do”
Snatch 5×2 @80, 85, 90, 90, 90
15 Burpees
15 Box Jump Overs

A. 3 Position Snatch (high to low) 3×2 Video here
B. Snatch 4×3 @ 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%
C1. GHD Raise 4×8
C2. Heavy KB Swing 4×12
C3. High Box Jump 4×8; r/r – 60-90s
Dead Hang Pull Ups 5×5; add weight as needed
400m Run
21 KBS 1.5/1pd
12 Pull Ups
Compare to 12.28.11
Mobility WOD
A. Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
B. 800m Run Compare to 1.6.12
C. 50 Turkish Get Ups
Loved seeing the morning crew today!! 95-115-125-125-125 / 128 reps
Really liked this WOD! FS 115/125/125/125/125. PU 25/25/35/45/45lbs. Tabata: 5 burpees/6KB.
Ashley – always great to have you there for the AM class. And right there with you Don – this WOD was killer. In a good way.