Clean & Jerk
Great explanation of the one joint rule
Archive for 'Videos'
Reverse Ladder
Front Squats 10,9,8…..1
Pull Ups 1,2,3…..10
100m Shuttle Sprint
Train like Rocky and slap that Cold in the face – Open Post for more
A. Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3
B. Russian Leg Curls 3×6-8
In 8 min
750 Row and then
3 Wall Climbs
9 Thrusters 95/65
Max Rep Pull Ups x 2
10 min AMRAP
250m Row
Max Rep Thrusters 95/65
*Record total # of Thrusters
Mobility WOD
Part A – EMOTM 1:15
A1. Deadlift 10×3 @ 50-60% of 1RM; r/r 10s
A2. 10 yard Sprint
B1. 20 Unbroken Wall Ball x 3; r/r-10s
B2. 1 min AMRAP Double Unders; r/r-1min
C. 100 Hollow Rocks
Texters and Typers – the most important mobility wod ever.
*This blog created in a non D-Bag position
AMRAP in 6 Minutes of
6 Power Snatch 115/75
12 Box Jumps
Great video to see different positions in the lifts. Watch for the differences in successful lifts and failed lifts
Missed my workouts so much this week! I’ll be back next week, and I’ll be there tomorrow cheering y’all on!