A. 5 sets
Clean DL + Clean + 2 FS
AMRAP – 12
1 Heavy Power Clean ~80%
15/12 Cal Row
Archive for 'WOD'
A. E8MOM – 4 sets
800m Run
15 UB DL 185/135
50-75′ HS Walk
*Scale HS Walks to 5-7 Wall Walks
A. EMOM -10
1 Snatch @75-80%
B. E2MOM – 4 sets
3 Tempo Snatch DL @3121
C. 4 sets
30s Cal AB
30s FS @55-60%
30s Jumping Lunges
rest 3min
A. 5 sets
3 Strict Pull Ups + 3 Kipping PU + 3 CTB + 20s Hang
rest 90s
*If 3s are easily doable, increase to 4s (keep hang time the same). Begin by increasing CTB Pull up first, for example if you completed the 3s you could try 3/3/4/20s, then 3/4/4/20s and then 4s across.
**Compare to 9.18.18
B. AMRAP – 20
4-8 HSPU
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
12-16 Wall Ball
*Choose a rep range that allows you to stay unbroken/moving for the majority of the workout
A. BS 6×2 @best set of 4 on 11.20.18
B. For Time – 8/9min Time Cap
500m Row
25 C&J 135/95
500m Row
A1. Single Arm DB Push Press 5×4-6e
A2. BB Bentover Row 5×5 @3130
21 DB Thrusters 50/35
15 TTB
90 Double Unders