A. Back Squat 6×2
*Build to heaviest set of 2 on set 4, then set 5 @95% and set 6 @90% of best set
*Compare to 11.27.18
B. 5 sets on a 2min clock
0-30s DB/KB Deadlifts
30-1:30 Double Unders
1:30-2:00 Rest
*Score total DLs and total Dubs
A1. Strict/Wgt Pull Up 5×5
A2. Tempo/Wgt Dips 5×3 @33×3
B. For Time
40 Burpees
30 Pull Ups
20 Squat Cleans 155/105
30 Pull Ups
40 Burpees
A. 5 sets
Snatch DL + Snatch + 2 OHS
B. 2 RFT
21 Back Squat
18 Deadlift
15 Front Squat
12 Power Clean
6 Power Snatch
*Barbell at 135/95
A. 10 rounds for max cal Row of:
• Row 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds
• Row 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
• Row 15 seconds, rest 45 seconds
There is no rest between rounds.
*CrossFit Mainsite 181108
B. 3 Rounds for Quality
30-60s Hollow Hold
5 TGU R Arm
5 TGU L Arm
A1. 5×2-7 BMU
A2. 5×3-8 Strict HSPU
B. 4 RFT – 8min Cap
12/9 Cal AB
8 Heavy Alt DB Snatch
A. Push Jerk w/pause
*2s pause in power receiving position of first 2 reps of each set
B. 5 RFT
20 Lateral Jumps over Wreck Bag
14 Wreck Bag FR Lunges
10 Wreck Bag Climbing Push Ups