AMRAP in 10 min of
5 Snatch 115/75
10 Burpees
Hamstring Mobility
Get Ready for Fight Gone Bad 6!
Posts Tagged 'Strength and Conditioning'

A. Hang Power Snatch 4×3; r/r – 2:30 min
B. Snatch Balance 3×4; r/r – 90s
C1. Challenging Pull Ups 3×12; r/r- 10s
C2. Heavy Unbroken KB Swings 3×21; r/r – 90s
Open Post below to read more about the Snatch
The Snatch – From ground to overhead in one fluid movement
Why snatch?
First and foremost because it is fun. You can’t master the snatch in a week, month, or a year. There is always room for improvement, some people may be turned off by the technicality of the lift but for me that makes the snatch more enjoyable. It is more of a personal fitness journey, and not a destination, you keep chasing improvement because perfection is impossible.
The snatch will make you strong, fast, flexible, coordinated, and functional. Yes, please, and thank you; I would like all of the above. Check out my boy Pyrros Dimas below….one of the most powerful human beings on the planet!
Hang Power Snatch
Pyrros Dimas WR Snatch

Kip Up Skill Work
AMRAP in 25 min
Run 1 Lap Around Bldg (225m-250m)
3 Rounds of
6 KB Lunges
6 KB Push Press
This WOD inspired by Seal Team 6 – Geronimo KIA and SealFit
KB Snatch Practice
4 rounds for time of
25 Wall Ball
50′ Overhead Walking Lunge 45/25
25′ Broad Jump
Load, blow out-breathing is mandatory for the rep to count

Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
100 Kettlebell Swings for time