Sammy……you keep up the efforts to be standing in the middle of the arena.
I’m jealous Sam. We will be in the stands cheering you on one of these days !!
Great WOD. Pushing 135 on the cleans combined with dips about did me in. I was slow but steady! Great work morning crew.
Watching the games athletes do “Elizabeth” after 3 days of workouts then doing “Elizabeth” today puts it in perspective! So jealous you were there, Sam!! 8:01 today with 95# and red,then purple band.
Sammy……you keep up the efforts to be standing in the middle of the arena.
I’m jealous Sam. We will be in the stands cheering you on one of these days !!
Great WOD. Pushing 135 on the cleans combined with dips about did me in. I was slow but steady! Great work morning crew.
Watching the games athletes do “Elizabeth” after 3 days of workouts then doing “Elizabeth” today puts it in perspective! So jealous you were there, Sam!! 8:01 today with 95# and red,then purple band.