2 sets of
1 Round of Barbara
– 20 Pull Ups
– 30 Push Ups
– 40 Sit Ups
– 50 Air Squats
Run 400m
r/r – 4min
Archive for July, 2012
A1. Pause FS 5×3; r/r – 60s
A2. Wgt Pull Ups 5×3; r/r – 60s
*Last set should be heavier than 7.12.12
B. GHD Raise 3×12
10 KB Swing R Arm
10 KB Swing L Arm
10 HR Push Ups

CLO+Hang Clean 4×2(2+1)
400m Run
21 DL 225/145
9 Push Press 135/95
400m Run
15 DL
15 Push Press
400m Run
9 DL
21 Push Press
Compare to 5.10.12
Chris picking up 505
Kipping/Muscle Up Skill Work
8 sets
20s Back Squat 225/165 (or 60-70% of your 1RM)
40s rest
*record # of BS completed
Mobility/Roll Out
Are you ready for some Olympic Lifting at the Olympics? This chick is in the 69kg(151lbs) weight class and lifts more than me!
SLO+Hang Snatch+Snatch Balance
Click Below to watch video of the movements
Snatch Lift Off (SLO)
Hang Snatch
Snatch Balance
200m Run
10 UB Push Jerk 115/75
10 TTB
A1. Strict HSPU 9, 7, 5, 3 + ME Kipping HSPU x 4
A2. Bent Over Rows 4×8
A3. Band Pull Aparts 4×12
10 Burpees over the Box
15 Wall Ball
100 Hollow Rocks
If we have burpee box jumps or wall climbs tomorrow I’m going to be very sorry that I’m taking my rest day today. This looks like a fun one.
Myers! Don’t give him any ideas! Good work to all 15 of my fellow classmates at the 8:00am class. That has to be some kind of record. I think I might have more luck with pull ups if I go the Captain Hook route of hooks instead of hands.
I’m debating doing this WOD in my front yard after work… it should only be like 106 degrees by then.
So many people this morning! Great job, everyone!! Karen- I’m with you on the pull ups. My poor hands! 22:30, slowed down a lot on the second set of pull ups! Press: 55-65-70-75(PR)-80(fail) I think I need one pound plates to PR on the press!!!