A. 2 SLO + 1 Snatch x 5
*Our primary focus is strengthening position in the first pull. DO NOT increase load if you cannot maintain perfect first pull mechanics!
EMOM – 8
2 Snatch at heaviest set of A (at least 5 sec between reps)
20 DU or 20s of DU attempts
rest 2min
Last chance to pay and put your order in for the Compete Every Day BOLT shirts. Also, I need final shirt orders for all other regional apparel by Wed close of business, you will pay upon arrival. And as a sidenote we will be printing extra grey/Texas/BOLT T-shirts.
Snatch Lift Off from OlyAthlete on Vimeo.
Give me The Chief any day over this WOD. That was a rough 8 minutes. The sprints were fun after that.