
Archive for February, 2014

February 27, 2014

AMRAP – 10
30 Double Unders
15 Snatch 75/55
Double Unders are a skill….you either have them, have them to a limited capacity, or you don’t. Get through them as best as your skill level will allow. Remember to relax your arms and shoulders as much as possible, drive the rope with your wrists, and breath! Spend plenty of time warming up with some reps to ensure your double unders are on point.
The 75/55lbs snatch may seem like “light weight” (Do you even lift bro?) to some of you. Round 1 will feel glorious, but those reps will begin to stack up! Once you complete rounds 3 and 4 that is 45/60reps respectively, it feels light when you warm up with 5-10 reps at this weight, but at 60+ it will start to hurt! Take a look at how you did on WOD 1.22.14. Yes it is was 20/10 lbs heavier, but how many reps did you complete and how much more difficult did those reps become in later rounds and sets? So be smart, don’t come out of the gate too fast on the snatches! Many of you should consider breaking up the snatch reps in early on (even round 1) to 8/7 or 5/5/5. Keep your breaks short (this is only a 10min workout), whatever rep scheme allows you to work fast/rest fast is ideal. Push HARD those last 3 minutes, don’t let go of the bar or rope, you can do it!
Let’s talk about our snatch technique. As discussed this will be a high rep workout, so efficiency of movement is key. Keep your hip lever short by dropping your hips on the TnG snatches, over reps/time the high hips will wear out your posterior chain (low back and hamstrings) and be less efficient. Extend your hips!!!! Fight the urge to externally rotate the bar overhead using your arms/upper body in the early rounds. The weight may feel easy, but you need to save your shoulders! Go back and watch Marcus Hendren and Garret Fisher. From the beginning Garret is using a quick hip drive and keeping the bar tight, whereas Marcus muscles the bar and doesn’t keep it quite as close. Marcus is working harder and longer, Inches make a difference when you complete 120 reps.
After all the blood, sweat and tears I have watched you guys/ladies invest over the past year, I can’t wait to watch you challenge yourself. Have fun, show your heart, and give me all you’ve got! Full effort, full victory, GET BOLT!

filed under: WOD
February 26, 2014

Choose your work today based off of the day you will make your Open attempt. Friday – Active Rest/Mobilize, Saturday – Can do today’s WOD or Goat Work.
A1. Wgt/Strict Pull Up 5-5-5-5-5
A2. Handstand Hold 20-40s x 5
8 sets
250m Row @ Moderate pace
100m Row @ Hard
150m Row @ Easy Pace

Moderate pace: 2k Pace +10-12s
Hard pace: 2k Pace -0-5s
Easy Pace: 2k Pace +20s

filed under: WOD
February 25, 2014

Hang Clean 3-3-3-3-3
7 Burpee Box Jumps
7 Russian Swings
3×15 Banded Good Mornings

filed under: WOD
February 24, 2014

A1. Press 3-3-3-3-3
A2. 5 sets of 30s Double Unders
300m Row
30 Wall Ball
300m Row
20 Wall Ball
300m Row
10 Wall Ball
3×15 Band Pull Aparts

filed under: WOD
February 23, 2014

Back Squat
In 15 min build to a heavy double
Power Clean 115/75
Bar Facing Burpees
Couch Stretch
Banded Hamstring

filed under: WOD
February 23, 2014

Open the post for more information about the CrossFit Open Schedule and Rules. EVERYONE READ THIS!

filed under: CrossFit Games, Events

Every Thursday, from Feb 27 to Mar 27, an Open workout is posted by CrossFit HQ

1. Open Workouts will be held on Saturday each week starting at 9am. This will replace our usual 8 and 9am classes. However, we will have Open Gym from 730-830am each week. All athletes are encouraged to bring friends and family out to the gym Saturday to spectate and cheer. Even if you are not participating in the Open I want you at BOLT! This is a fantastic community event and you won’t want to miss out.

2. In the case of work travel, previous commitments or my discretion; athletes competing in the Open may complete the WOD on Friday or Monday morning class time. All athletes officially doing the open must coordinate with me by Tuesday the week of, to schedule a Friday/Monday session. Email getbolt@gmail.com

3. Each week we will email, and post to the blog, a heat list for Saturday with approximate start times

4. If you are not a member of BOLT but would like your score validated you must attend our Saturday session. Cost -$25

5. Our workout of the day on Friday of each week will be the Open WOD. All BOLT athletes not signed up to do the open will complete the workout with a judging partner. As always the weight and movements will be scaled to your ability level, however you will still be judged and likely be asked to practice judging another athlete not competing in the Open.

6. Those competing in the Open will have a programmed practice/prep WOD on Friday to prepare for Saturday.

7. Many of you have expressed your interest in judging. Please send me an email getbolt@gmail.com with your Saturday availability and to receive further correspondence for BOLT Judges. The CrossFit judges course is not mandatory for all Open judges, however it is a great resource and I encourage you to complete. You can find it here https://oc.crossfit.com/

Finally remember, this competition is all about you and your journey to be better (physically, psychologically and spiritually). Have fun, challenge yourself, and rely on our amazing community!