Give your Goat a name and whip him/her into shape
10 min Row @ 65-70%
Goat (göt) – an exercise or movement that makes you cringe; you are very bad at your Goat, you hate your Goat, and usually try to avoid it whenever possible.
***Open post to read more.
Goat – an exercise or movement that makes you cringe; you are very bad at your Goat, you hate your Goat, and usually try to avoid it whenever possible.
What’s your Goat? What do hate to see on the blue board? What skill or movement do you need to work on most?
Today is your day to identify a Goat and go to work on cleaning him up. Once you have ID’d the weakness you want to tackle, get with your Coach to discuss progressions, skill work, and supplementary exercises and go to work. By the end of the day create a measurable goal to whip your Goat and formulate a plan to accomplish this goal (get with your coach for ideas/help). Post your Goat and goal to comments.
*Burpee penalties for not setting a goal
Overhead Squats: 185 (BW) x 15 reps
Overhead Squats – 1 rep at bodyweight (185 lbs).
Muscle up on the rings.
GOT SEVERAL GOATS (determined by going through the blog and measuring frown frequency), HERE WE GO! –>
10 consecutive DU, 1 kipping pullup, 10 air squats (“perfect form”), 100 unbroken 25# KBS, *respectable Karen time*…
I have a long list of goals, but I’m just picking a couple to post.
-20 consecutive double-unders (hopefully very soon!!)
-1 kipping pull-up
What i love about CrossFit, though, is that it makes you continually want to strive to be better in everything!!
Thanks for your encouragement and for pushing us to be better, Matt!!
Ashley already knocking one goal off her list….20 consecutive double unders yesterday!
20 unbroken kip pullup
3.30 min 800 m run
Ok tell me if this is too easy b/c I can always work on something 25 box jumps unbroken, or 800 in 6 min, and I do want to be able to a kipping pull up by the end of the year!
Those are all good, but I am going to push you on the 800m Run….how about sub 5 minutes
- 5 Unbroken Straight Pull-Ups within the next two weeks
– 5-10 Consecutive Double-Unders
I like the pretty picture of the goat by the way.
Don’t talk bad about the goat, you will get Janet all riled up!
3 of my 50 goats: 20 unbroken kipping pull-ups (thanks Shayne for raising my original thought of 15); 5 hand stand push-ups (kipping acceptble if I can figure out how); 5 good pistols (each leg)…nothing like accountability – thanks Matt!
225-250lb DL
10 double unders; 30 second hand stand w/out aid of the wall; 5 hand stand push ups (wall aided); 25 pull ups (unbroken); etc…etc…etc… – goal end of August – Hookem Horns.
Ok I love goats so it’s hard for me to talk about whipping them
But I dislike cockroaches, so… mine are 50 double unders, 5 ring dips, 15 unbroken thrusters at 65.