I consider getting through the Mobility WOD without crying a PR. I’ve gotta stop by on my way home to get my Back Squat weights. Forgot to take a picture of the board… Since this was my first time it was def a PR (ha).
125-145-155-165-170-175(fail)-175(fail). Frustrated that I didn’t get a PR, but that’s ok! There’s room for improvement in the next 30 days! Awesome job on all of the PRs for everyone who got one!
135-185-225-245-255-275(pr)-295(pr) I tried way too hard…. I should have sandbagged it for this nutrition challenge to take y’alls money.
I believe Matt’s exact words were: “if you sandbag…I will kill you”. Kind of like “if you build it they will come” but more threatening.
Nothing like a little threat of death to put a pep in your step
I consider getting through the Mobility WOD without crying a PR. I’ve gotta stop by on my way home to get my Back Squat weights. Forgot to take a picture of the board… Since this was my first time it was def a PR (ha).
125-145-155-165-170-175(fail)-175(fail). Frustrated that I didn’t get a PR, but that’s ok! There’s room for improvement in the next 30 days! Awesome job on all of the PRs for everyone who got one!
185-225-255-295-315-325-335 fail – or 355 because i was adding 10lb plates …but… not sure.