March 1, 2012

As I mentioned today, staying efficient in the early rounds will be key to saving yourself for the heavier weights down the road.  Low back and shoulders will be the first to fatigue.  A few reminders

1.  Breath, don’t hold your breathe when the barbell is in your hands on the early light sets.  If you need to hold your breath to maintain intrathoracic pressure you should be doing singles and dropping from the top.

2.  Drop your hips on the early light sets.  Touch and go reps while bending predominantely at the hip will require a lot of work from your erectors (low back).  You don’t want your low back fried when it comes to the heavier weight.

3.  Hips! Jump and shrug!  Don’t fly out of the gate and throw the weight overhead with your arms and shoulders.  Use your hips to drive the weight up on every rep, even the light ones.

4.  Bar path.  Keep it tight on the way up, and if performing touch and go reps, on the way down as well.  Many of us will keep the bar close on the way up, but allow it to fall out and away when retreating for another rep.

Check out these links for more info on how to dominate 12.2

Kelly Starret’s Mobility WOD

Carl Paoli’s Gymnastics WOD