Hey everyone…Matt is looking into online trackers so that we can track our WOD times, etc. online. So, lets get in the habit of posting our times, etc. here, so we will “hit the ground running” when the online tracker is in place. I have found the hardest part of a gym implementing a tracker is getting everyone in the habit of remembering to post their scores.
10/30s: 95#/1:01/143M ; 95#/1:00/148M ; 105#/1:05/149M ;
15/45s: 115#/2:02/187 ; 115#/2:58/181M
The tracker will make much more sense than this scribble, but hopefully you get it.
Come on, join me in making this a habit and look forward to the online tracker when Matt can get it up and running!
Hey everyone…Matt is looking into online trackers so that we can track our WOD times, etc. online. So, lets get in the habit of posting our times, etc. here, so we will “hit the ground running” when the online tracker is in place. I have found the hardest part of a gym implementing a tracker is getting everyone in the habit of remembering to post their scores.
10/30s: 95#/1:01/143M ; 95#/1:00/148M ; 105#/1:05/149M ;
15/45s: 115#/2:02/187 ; 115#/2:58/181M
The tracker will make much more sense than this scribble, but hopefully you get it.
Come on, join me in making this a habit and look forward to the online tracker when Matt can get it up and running!
Sounds good David! Wow I’m so not awake in this pic, but its awesome!