February 7, 2011

Good, Better, Best! Never Let it Rest! Until your Good is your Better, and your Better is your Best!

– Coach Richard Bell

Chuck, Me, and Andrew

5 Rounds for Time

  • 1 Lap around the building (approximately 200-225m)
  • 5 Power Snatch @ 135 lbs
  • 5 Overhead Squat @ 135 lbs

I am sure someone other than Coach Bell originated the “Good, Better, Best” anthem, but I will give him the credit ( or – dash) because he didn’t just teach me the words he taught me how to apply them in life.

The photo to the right is from my CrossFit certification.  Funny enough I ran into two other former players of Coach Bell, Chuck Carswell (U of Georgia) on my left and Andrew Thompson (Naval Academy) on my right.  Day 1 I showed up in my Air Force Football shirt and Andrew stops the first lecture to yell, “Good, Better, Best!”.  Turns out I was not the only one Coach taught all about “Good, Better, Best” life!  Thanks Coach, for all you taught me and so many others.  Another thing we all learned from Coach was his favorite form of punishment/discipline/just for fun….the up-down, remarkably similar to burpees except you are in football pads and as any good Coach Bell disciple knows your chest needs to hit the ground first.  I could never call burpees easy, but I can say I was very well prepared when I first met them in CrossFit WODs.

CrossFit Bolt and Bolt Athletics will be a place of “Good, Better, Best” attitude.  Come train with us if you want to be your BEST!