January 26, 2012


Here is a google doc to track your points.  Save to your computer and input your name if necessary.  Send your numbers to getbolt@gmail.com each Friday by 5pm.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar6jFhM0iF6OdHhwSWZEWUFxTEFpeEZ6RVZ5YmM0b3c

Updated - Here is a daily food log to use if you like https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B76jFhM0iF6OZDc5MzA2MzItNDQ5Yy00MzRjLTg5ZDItZjhiNmJkNGYxZGZk

The BOLT Nutrition Challenge

To get everybody motivated to give the Paleo diet a try, we’re going to do a 30 day Nutrition Challenge. The challenge starts on Monday, Jan 30th and ends on Wednesday, Feb 29th.
You’ll be measuring your success over the 30 days of the challenge using a system of points. And no, these aren’t the Weight Watchers kind of ‘points’.
There are 4 ways that you’ll be able to earn points for the challenge.

1. Daily points for eating Paleo, and completing a food log.
2. Drink half your body weight in water per day {ounces}
3. Benchmark workouts — 1 metcon and 1 strength
4. Body Composition

Eat real food. Meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, oils (like EVOO or coconut). Eat foods with very few ingredients, all pronounceable ingredients or no ingredients listed.

*Take it easy on the nuts!  A goal of no more than 4oz a day particularly if you trying to lose weight.

Do not eat dairy. This includes butter, cheese, yogurt and milk (including cream in your coffee).

Do not eat grains. This includes bread, rice, pasta, corn, oatmeal, and also any gluten-free pseudo-grains (quinoa, etc).

Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kinds, lentils, and peanuts. No peanut butter!

Do not eat sugars of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Truvia, Stevia, etc.

*No fruit juice

Supplements. Fish oil, Vitamin D and Post Workout recovery/Whey Protein shakes are allowed and encouraged. No fake candy bars – Protein Bars

Alcohol. All participants are limited to 3 alcoholic beverages per week. Your choices are 1) Red Wine, 4 oz 2) “NorCal” Margarita

Paleo/Not-so Paleo allowed treats. Dried fruits – no more than 2 ounces a day, particularly if you are trying to lose weight. Dark Chocolate at least 60% cocoa – no more than 1 square/6g a day.  Sweet Potato – 1 medium sweet potato in the meal immediately following your workout (if you don’t workout, no sweet potato for that day)

Additional Rules
1. No Cheat Meals.

2. You must take before and after photos. Your photos are for your own personal record. However, you must submit them to the judge to be eligible for the prize. Men in shorts, no shirt. Ladies sports bra or appropriate top and shorts. 1 photo from the front, 1 from your left profile view, 1 from your right profile view and 1 from the back

3. No naked carbs – Keep your meals balanced, this includes snacks. No carbs/fruit without protein

4. Faleo – If you DQ one of the requirements you have the option to buy back into the challenge.  The cost is $10 and completion of a randomly selected WOD, “Insulin Insolence” or “Burpees for Bread”.  You will only have 2 opportunities to buy back into the challenge, third strike and you are out.

Nutrition/Food log

2+ points per day for eating exactly according to guidelines
1+ points per day if you have one serving of any food not on the guidelines
0 points per day if you have more than one serving

*more than one day a week with 0 points for nutrition and you are disqualified from the challenge……this is a nutrition challenge!!


1+ point per day for drinking have your body weight in ounces of water


% decrease in time of the Metcon


% increase in weight lifted

Body Composition

Photos will be judged and ranked in order of most significant change to least significant.

Entry Fee – $25


Nutrition/Water/Food Log Pts
Metcon/Strength Improvement
Body Composition

1st place for each category will receive a fitness related prize. Overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive cash prizes based upon the number of people who enter the challenge. Approximately 80% of the proceeds will be split between the three winners, the remainder of the proceeds will cover the costs of the challenge